Thursday, October 11, 2007

I want a new job!

Dont get me wrong, I love my job. But I am positive there are better things out there you can do for money and not have to work 40 hours a week. Or have to work lots of overtime so you never get to see your friends and family! I havent even had that much overtime but I feel so busy lately!
P.S. There is no blogger rule book that says I have to post every day! My last post was not that long ago! I dont do anything exciting and if I just said the first thing that came to my mind everyone would really think I was weird!


Sheila said...

You're right. There is no rule saying you have to post every day. But, that doesn't mean I can't harass you anyhow!

PS - If you find a well paying job working less than 40 hours a week, please let me know, kthx.

Elizabeth said...

Um, first off you love your job. Come on you know you do..... You just don't like being stressed.
As for the being weird thing everyone knows you are weird already so blog away baby!

*~Kristi~* said...

you don't have to post everyday, but a couple posts longer than two sentences would be nice...
let me know if you find the kind of job sheila's talking about too! oh wait, i think i'll have it when i'm a famous professor!
and elizabeth's right, you do love it, but busy can be tiresome and lack of time with family and friends doesn't mean you have to drag them to work with you...just so you know!