Thursday, October 18, 2007


Kristi, I had no idea you were sucked into Heroes as well! That show rocks to no end! Heroes is awesome and I really dont know what else to say! By the way why cant you watch the episodes on their website? Why you tube?


Sheila said...

Tom is a Heroes watcher also, which by default means that I watch it too. Not that I dislike it. I actually like it quite a bit. But, I never would of started watching it if Tom had not.

*~Kristi~* said...

They actually play it on TV here, but are still in the middle of last I went to NBC's website to watch and "it is blocked from my location", which means they don't want the Brits watching online before the episode is aired on TV...therefore I'm greatful for YouTube.
And you did too know I watched Heroes! We've talked about it before silly! Jenn and Kara are addicted too...

Tony said...

So if those Brits only knew they could catch the episodes on you tube the TV station might actually have to keep up with our season.

*~Kristi~* said...

lucky you getting to catch up tonight...i'll have to wait until tomorrow or maybe even sad!

Sheila said...

... uh ...

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!!! Sorry I'm behind the times, but our wireless has been down this week and I just caught up on Heroes last night! I don't even know what to say other than HOLY CRAP! Twists, turns, surprises and a very sexy Peter without clothes on! It doesn't get any freaking better than that! So what'd y'all think...we really should be having weekly discussions in relation to this... unless Tony would like to post blogs more frequently!